Donald Trump’s Taxes, Joe Biden lies again, and The rock

We are going to take a look at the coverage of President Donald Trump’s tax returns, Joe Biden’s own tax issue, and his newest lie, And The Rock Endorsement and what does […]

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Kamala’s Truth, Lancaster, And Joe Rogan’s a Beast

This Episode Kamala finally tells the truth, the Lancaster PA shooting, and Joe Rogan is a BEAST!!!!!

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Nasty Palooza (Nancy Pelosi), Obama’s A Victim, Biden Harris can’t get COVID Right!!!

Pelosi Changes courses on liberals supporters and rioters Michelle Obama is a victim all over again Joe Biden continues to lie Kamala Harris doesn’t care if kids die as long as children […]

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Lebron and Bloomberg try stealing the election, and hunter’s hookers watch out

Michael Bloomberg and Lebron James are actually trying to steal the election, and Hunter Biden and his hooker… the drama continues.

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